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+Product Introduction


The FA16 aims at the private network systems (electricity, railways, roads) application, it developes based on the HONET Integrated Service Access Network, fully meet the demand of special network access and transmission .
+Product Details


The FA16 aims at the private network systems (electricity, railways, roads) application, it developes based on the HONET Integrated Service Access Network, fully meet the demand of special network access and transmission .

FA is the abbreviation of Flexible Access ; it means that in the typical application, each ONU provides 1 to 16 E1. Huawei HONET FA16 equipment gives full consideration to the present demand and the future development trend in the application environment, scheduling and management . On the basis of fully achieving the function of PCM, D/I and any other equipments, it integrated with Huawei,s excellent HONET access technology, in particular to support the V5.1/V5.2 access protocol of business exchange, which is quite suitable for future development. Huawei HONET FA16, taking good advantage of PCM equipment, the D / I equipment and V5.2 access equipment, gives a comprehensive solution to the problem of private network line transmission and user access. It has a wide range of applications, especially suitable for the private network for railway, electrical power, military, highway and finance.

Overall structure

FA16 is composed of the optical line terminal (OLT: Optical Line Terminal), the fiber network unit (ONU: Optical Network UNIT), the optical transmission system and the access network management system (AN-NMS: Access Network Management System). (When adoptes Vseries ONU, there can be no OLT). Which helps accomplish the service accessibility, transmission and network management of the access network.

The interfaces FA16 system provides

User network interface . The user side interface UNI provided by ONU in FA16 supports the access of multi-services.

Service network interface. The service network interface SNI provided by OLT in FA16 offers abundant access types.

Maintenance Management Interface . FA16 offers a variety of management access via TCP / IP protocol, provides GUI graphical network management interface, 112 interface, MML interface and Q3 interface, achieving the full-featured centralized maintenance and network management.

FA16? Flexible access system can support a variety of different types of users, the far end can be connected to a regular phone, data terminal, ISDN terminal, CATV users and a variety of users equipment, achieving real three-in-one network of voice, data and image.

The FA16 systems features

Rich user interface

Resource sharing between boxes and adjustable convergence ratio.

Convenient upgrade and expansion capability

Flexible networking mode

Open V5 interface

Wired / wireless, active / passive access in one

Strong network management capability

Reliable system performance

Rich product line.

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