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+Product Introduction

OptiX OSN2500

OptiX OSN2500 intelligent optical transmission system is a new generation of integrated 2.5G/622M multiservice optical transport platform (MSTP), which inherits all features of the MSTP technology, maintains compatibility with traditional SDH, MSTP network,
+Product Details

Product Overview

OptiX OSN2500 intelligent optical transmission system is a new generation of integrated 2.5G/622M multiservice optical transport platform (MSTP), which inherits all features of the MSTP technology, maintains compatibility with traditional SDH, MSTP network, it is an integration of SDH, PDH, Ethernet, WDM, ATM, ESCON, FC / FICON, the DVB-ASI (Digital Video Broadcast- A synchronous Serial Interface) and RPR technologies and mainly used in the access stratum of the metropolitan area network, providing perfect solutions for the smooth evolution from the present SDH application to the intelligent optical network equipment. It mainly used in highway access network communications systems.

Product Features

Cost-effective platform.

OptiX OSN7500/3500/2500/1500 business panels and the software is fully compatible and forms a unified platform. By this, it can greatly reduce the cost of maintenance and spare parts. OSN Intelligent Platform has an efficient combination of operational capacity, offering the highest cost-effective solutions to operators, at the same time, it has hybrid network together with the existing Huawei’ equipment and can fit into Huawei's optical network network management solution for unified management.

Flexible device configuration

STM-16/4 compatible device;

support for the online upgrade of network equipment from 622M to 2.5G

Large capacity scheduling

Support for 20G high-low full cross: the high-level 128 x 128 VC-4, the low-level 8064 × 8064 VC-12 or the equivalent of the VC-3 cross-connect capability.

Multiservice provider

Business interface

Support for STM-1 (O / E);

support for STM-4/16 standard or cascade business;

Supports E1/T1/E3/T3/E4;

supports transparent transmission and switching of FE, GE operations;

Supports ATM services;

Supports IMA services;

Supports SAN and video services;

provide fast GMPLS-based end-to-end business.

Highly integrated

The sub-rack integration: sub-rack size is 460 mm (H) x 440mm (W) × 295mm (D), the single sub-rack has nine business board positions and 8 interface board positions.

REG function

Support the REG devices hardware based on the design of the OSN2500 ;

Strong networking capability

supports Mesh network immediate click, Plug and use.

Supports Mesh network upgrading and expansion at any rate online ;

Supports Mesh network’ up to 40 light directions networking;

Supports the various SDH network topology of chain, ring, intersecting ring, tangent ring ;

Support RPR, VP-RING ring;

The sub-rack can achieve 1 × STM-64 four-fiber ring or 4 × STM-16 two-fiber ring.

Built-in wavelength division technology

provides Dual optical bifurcation multiplexing board;

Provides any rate wavelength conversion board.

thorough network survivability mechanism

Mesh restoration

Support for distributed protection of recoverable reroute;

provides five types of detailed business protection programs, according to the different SLA, it provides diamond, gold, silver, bronze, iron level businesses.

SDH protection

Supports 2F/4F MSP, SNCP, DNI, sharing a light virtual path protection.

Protection of data services

Support for Ethernet business RPR ring network protection, STP spanning tree protection;

Support ATM service VP-RING ring protection.

Complete equipment protection mechanisms

The intelligent control unit protection: 1 +1 hot backup;

Supports key elements such as intersection, clock 1 +1 hot backup protection;

Power protection;

TPS protection.

Physical characteristics

OptiX OSN2500

Power access-48V DC, achieves the 220V access by external UPM;

Installation ways: the ETSI 300mm deep cabinet, the ETSI 600mm deep cabinet or installed in a 19-inch rack;

Dimensions: 460mm (H) x 440mm (W) × 295mm (D);

Typical weight: 24kg;

Typical power consumption: 206W.

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